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We are glad to welcome You at our information resource and sincerely hope, that here You can find answers to the most interesting You questions! Legal "Center sunrise" is founded and provides legal services in the market of Ukraine since 1995. For long years of work, our company has accumulated rich experience in providing legal services in many areas of Ukrainian law. The stability of activity of our company and the growing demand for it services are provided by high qualification of our lawyers. The aim of our activity is rendering of highly skilled legal services.

Our lawyers represent the interests of our customers on the whole territory of Ukraine.

Our company, in accordance with the requirement of Ukrainian courts, in the manner established by law, checks the legality and observance of all procedural norms relating to the initiation, investigation, trial and resolution of criminal cases, as well as pre-trial settlement of or preparation of court consideration and the permission of the civil, administrative, economic, immigration cases. Our lawyers will provide You with the right to protection, in accordance with the basic principles of legal proceedings:

  • the presumption of innocence,
  • the equality of all citizens before the law,
  • the publicity of proceedings, its publicity,
  • the national language of proceedings (for the persons who do not speak the language, is provided by the interpreter and the right to speak in the court in their native language).

Lawyers of our company are ready to represent Your interests in any legal proceedings and at any stage of the process of Your case. We want to draw Your attention to the fact that when timely treatment to the lawyer, You will be able not only to solve their issues and protect their own interests, but also in the future to avoid for yourself unnecessary financial costs of negative impacts, as well as the loss of Your time!